Moznosti at Your reach!
Dear clients,
Moznosti Savings House informs you that from 01.12.2021 it has launched the new mobile application for M-banking. The application is intended for all clients who use any of the products of the savings house, which brings Moznosti closer to their clients, following the new trends and modern technology.
Quickly and easily through your mobile phone or tablet with the application you will be able to:
– check the balance of the loan or deposit;
– you have insight into the list of payments and payments;
– you have insight into your amortisation plan;
– get information about the status of the loan;
– check the valid exchange rate list in the savings house;
– and other information. The new m-banking application is FREE for all users. Available only for Google Play.
For additional information, contact the branches of the savings house or contact us on 02 2401-051 or e-banking@moznosti.com.mk.